We make it easy for you to sell online

    • Online Store Canvas


      Top features
      Responsive design. automatically resizes and restructures to look great on different screen sizes
      Mobile app. To manage you store on the go
      Easy to follow training. To manage your store admin, products and design

      Let the artist inside free
      It’s a lot of fun
      Come try it out

      (Canvas is a once off payment)

    • Comprehensive Hosting


      We make hosting easy.
      Includes all the basics you need to sell online

      SSL security Certificate (works with the SSL Plugin)
      20gb data
      5gb storage
      Support on how to use your store
      WhatsApp networking group for like minded business
      Backups to prevent data loss

      (Hosting is a monthly payment)


    All 3 courses below are included in your Canvas purchase


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