Home page
Hook. what makes them check out a product highlighted below
give them a taste and wet their appetite
who we are.
what we specialise in
section 1
Pay monthly DR Club fees
link to pay. quick add to cart
section 2
Learn how to build a site
more info
links to certificates
section 3
Sponsor a student
more info
links to student sponsor
section 4
Buy a premium online store
more info
links to store purchase
Shop Page
what closes them.
Visitor must feel “I want it and i trust them”
This page is built to sell
Starts with products on top
Can add a welcome msg above products
I want it
dr club
3 certs
student sponsor
premium ecom store
dr canvas
Sites we’ve built
See our work
Ask the store owners for a reference
makes them jump off the fence and come over
(Below products)
Product page
- we’ve clearly communicated our offer
- and we’ve earned their trust
- ask for the sale
- Short description. quick summary of what they purchasing
- Price
- long description
- clearly articulated end result
- what are they purchasing
- and what are they getting
Cart page
Picture with
5 stars
1 sentence
(Add pictures to a top pic slider that auto rotates.)
Come try it out
Its a lot of fun.
(Bottom of cart.)
Contact us Blog
1. we are a digital only agency
2. no physical address
3. no landline
contact details
1. email
2. whatsapp
3. Cell
list of faqs and answers