The header is designed to match the company’s colours. It incorporates the logo and essential store links making it easy for customers to navigate the store and find what they are looking for.
The left is kept for core shopping pages and the right is kept for support features this makes it easy for a customer to know which links are there to make the shopping quicker and which links are there to assist them if they get stuck.
Top left.
Links to all shopping pages
- Home
- Shop all
- Bracelets
- Earrings
- Pendants
- Rings
- Clearance
- Cart
- Checkout
Top middle.
when the logo is clicked it takes the user to the home page
Top right.
Links to support features
- Search box allows shoppers to quickly find what they are looking for
- Link to “Contact us” page
Page’s content
The body consists of the information between the header and footer. If the header is an introduction to your store and the footer is the conclusion, then the body is the actual content. It’s for the content in the body that shoppers come to your store.
The header and footer remain the same on all pages. However each page’s body adjusts to fit the content for that page. When a user clicks the cart page, the header and footer will remain the same, but the body will now display the cart page information. When a shopper clicks a link to got to a new page, its the body content that they want to update
- Header image
- welcome message
- best selling products
- new products
- featured products
- featured collection
- Categories
- contact form
- other action to help them better
chat to a manager.
The footer is like your store’s manager. Usually a shopper will only interact with the footer if they were unable to find what they were looking for above. At this point they may be looking for direction on where to go next in your store or they may be looking for support. We provide customers with quick links to enable them to effortlessly continue through your store.
The footer is split into 3 columns.
Column 1 – Chat
Links enabling customers to get in touch with a simple click
- Call
Column 2 – Main Navigation
Links to core shopping pages
- Home
- Shop
- Cart
- Checkout
Column 3 – Admin Navigation
Links to support pages
- Contact us
- My Account
- Terms and Conditions
- SA Coronavirus (legally required on all SA websites)
The home page is designed to introduce a shopper to the store.
It is the digital version of a sales person.
The home page provides quick links to all areas of your store
It makes it easy for shoppers to quickly know your store and find what they are looking for.
The page starts with an introduction at the top. The introduction takes the form of an opening image and a welcome message.
Opening image
The home page starts with an Image providing a feeling like the shopper is entering your store on the internet.
It grabs their attention and focuses them to your offerings
Welcome message
Next we display a welcome message and an invitation to shop with you.
The invitation can be your slogan, a coupon code or free delivery over a certain order value.
After the Introduction, the Content is the purpose of the page.
this is what visitors to your store are coming to see.
It is what are they coming to buy.
The home pages content can be built from the below options
- Specials
- Popular
- New
- Featured
- Categories
What is currently on sale.
This is used to excite your shoppers and get them interested in continuing through your store.
This section is a good way to highlight seasonal or clearance sales.
By changing it frequently, and listing different items for sale, you encourage shoppers to keep coming back and checking
As you add new items to the “Specials” category, this list will automatically update.
These are your top sellers.
Your products that are most in demand and sell the best.
It provides shoppers a quick view of what others think is best from your store.
Allows shoppers to quickly find something they expect they will like.
This category also automatically updates.
As your products sell this category will also automatically update with your fastest selling items displaying first
These are your latest products.
This allows a frequent shopper on your store to easily find your latest goods
As you add more products, this list will automatically update
These are products that you select to be highlighted
You as a store owner are telling your store visitors to pay attention to these items
it could be
- Few left in stock
- Up and coming products
- Products you want to clear but not at a discount
As you add and remove products to featured this list will automatically update
If a store visitors attention was not caught by one of the sections above (Specials, Popular, New and Featured) then we present your store categories and make it easy for shoppers to browse the department they are most interested in.
If a shopper has not clicked on any of the products or categories above and is still on this page then it is likely that they are currently not interested in what you are offering.
At this point you want to capture the shoppers email address.\
By capturing the email address you have an opportunity to present your goods to the shopper again.
- At a time when they may be interested
- When you have goods that they are interested in
shoppers don’t want to share their email address with anyone.
they don’t want the spam.
However, you have presented them a clean store and made it clear what you specialise in and how you can serve them.
since they haven’t purchased, It’s time to start a conversation.
How can we help you? What are you looking for?
Offer a contact form or quick links for them to get a hold of you and chat to a person.
Being available to chat to your customers and offering a relationship will set you above the competition.
The shop page is a place for a shopper to get a full view of your store.
This page is best for shoppers who don’t know what they are looking for and are coming in to browse.
The page starts with an introduction at the top. The introduction takes the form of an opening image and a welcome message.
Opening images
The shop page starts with Images f your products providing a feeling like the shopper is browsing the shelves of your store on the internet.
It grabs their attention and focuses them to your offerings
Welcome message
Next we display a welcome message and an invitation to shop with you.
The invitation can be your slogan, a coupon code or free delivery over a certain order value.
After the Introduction, the Content is the purpose of the page.
this is what visitors to your store are coming to see.
It is what are they coming to buy.
The shop page displays all your store’s products in 1 place.
The products are not categorised or sorted.
Products are all placed together in 1 big collection.
Shoppers don’t have to jump between different pages as they get a large variety in 1 place
If a shopper has not clicked on any of the products above and is still on this page then the way the the products were displayed did not capture their attention.
At this point we present the shopper an opportunity to browse to a specific category and find what they are looking for.
And we present a contact form enabling the shopper to get in touch allowing us to keep the conversation going
By capturing the email address you have an opportunity to present your goods to the shopper again.
- At a time when they may be interested
- When you have goods that they are interested in
shoppers don’t want to share their email address with anyone.
they don’t want the spam.
However, you have presented them a clean store and made it clear what you specialise in and how you can serve them.
since they haven’t purchased, It’s time to start a conversation.
How can we help you? What are you looking for?
Offer a contact form or quick links for them to get a hold of you and chat to a person.
Being available to chat to your customers and offering a relationship will set you above the competition.
Category Pages
Category pages are similar to your shop page.
Browsing through the shop page can be overwhelming for someone who has to go through all your products when looking for something specific.
A category page displays your stores products, however only the products that are within the category will display on this page.
These pages are best to serve shoppers who are looking for something specific.
Product page
The product page is designed to display the products details and invite the shopper to add the product to their cart.
- Name
- Image
- Price
- Short description
- Long description
Cart page
The cart page displays what products a shopper was interested in and has put into their shopping basket. From this page the shopper can see their current total and decide to
- continue shopping (add more products)
- Remove a product from their cart
- Continue to the checkout page (to make payment)
Checkout page
The checkout page serves as the store’s cashier.
- It displays the total amount due
- Collects customer contact and shipping details
- Confirms that customers agree to your terms and conditions
- Directs the customer to make payment.
Contact Us page
Many times shoppers have questions or concerns during the shopping experience.
They want more information on a product or on the business.
To prevent lost sales, we provide shoppers a convenient way to reach out and chat to us.
The page starts with a map at the top.
Shoppers can click the map and it will open in Google maps, allowing them to easily navigate to your store.
We then place a friendly message encouraging shoppers to make contact
Thereafter the store provides links for customers to contact you. Customers can click a link to
- Call
- Open Google maps
- Visit your Instagram profile
- Visit your Facebook profile
For those shoppers who don’t want to invest too much time in chatting to you, but want to quickly drop you a message or ask a question we provide a contact form.
When the form is submitted the email is sent to your info email address.
The page ends with your logo as a quality seal providing a sense of trust and assurance.
My Account page
The dashboard allows customers a convenient way to manage their profile and activity on your store.
From the dashboard customers can
- View their recent orders
- Manage their shipping and billing addresses\
- Edit their account details
- Change their password
Terms and Conditions page
The Terms and conditions page serves to protect you from legal trouble. It clearly and in detail informs customers of the conditions when interacting with your store. The agreement is clear for both parties. You know what you are liable for. Customers know your processes, they know what you are liable to assist them with and what you will not take responsibility for. Below are the section headings of your terms and conditions, for the full terms and codnitions, click the link above.
Shipping, Returns and Exchanges
Section 1 – Shipping
Section 2 – Returns
Section 3 – Exchanges
Privacy Policy
Section 1 – Overview
Section 2 – Consent
Section 3 – Data Storage & Security
Section 4 – Third-party Services
Section 1– Overview
Section 2 – Changes To Terms Of Service
Section 3 – Accuracy, Completeness And Timeliness Of Information
Section 4 – Modifications To The Service And Prices
Section 5 – Products Or Services (If Applicable)
Section 6 – Accuracy Of Billing And Account Information
Section 7 – Optional Tools
Section 8 – Third-party Links
Section 9 – User Comments, Feedback And Other Submissions
Section 10 – Errors, Inaccuracies And Omissions
Section 11 – Prohibited Uses
Section 12 – Disclaimer Of Warranties; Limitation Of Liability
Section 13 – Indemnification
Section 14 – Severability|
Section 15 – Termination
Section 16 – Entire Agreement
Admin management system
The store has a back office management system that allows employees an easy way to manage the store. Every aspect of the system is run through this back office.
Automated emails
To you
New order. Sent when a customer places a new order.
Cancelled order. Sent if a customer cancels their order.
Failed order. Sent if a customer tries to order and the order fails
To your customer
Order on-hold. Sent when the customer orders but has not yet made payment.
Processing order. Sent when payment has been received.
Completed order. Sent when the order has been shipped.
Refunded order. Sent if the order has been refunded.
Customer invoice / Order details. Sent when a customer requests the invoice to be resent
Customer note. Sent to a customer when you make a note on their order
Reset password. Sent when customer changes their password
New account. Sent when a shopper opens an account on your store
Mobile footer bar
On the mobile version of the website, we build an extra bar that always stays at the bottom of the screen. Its always in reach and provides easy access to the stores most important pages.
Contact us
This bar gives the website a mobile app feeling and providing shoppers with the best features of a mobile app
Order management
View orders by
- On hold. Monies have not been received.
- Pending. Expecting payment.
- Processing. Monies received, getting products ready for shipping
- Completed. Products shipped.
- Cancelled. Customer cancelled the order.
- Refunded. You refunded the transaction.
- Failed. The payment failed or was declined.
Customer management
- Edit customer contact information,
- Edit customer delivery information
- View customer orders and update them
Product Management
- Add, edit and remove products.
- Put products on sale
- Set sale dates
- Sales
- Visitors
- Stock
Shipping calculator
Set custom shipping rules.
- Different prices for individual areas
- Different prices based on weight of products purchased
- Free delivery or discounted delivery if customer spend a certain amount
- Run a campaign and offer free or discounted delivery on certain days
Make coupons to incentivise customers to purchase. Examples
- 20% off your first purchase
- Buy product 1 and 2 together and get 10%
- Buy 3 and pay for 2.
Mobile app
We connect your store to a mobile app allowing you to manage your store from your phone. From the mobile app, you can
- View sales reports
- View visitor reports
- See new orders
- Manage outstanding orders
- Chat to customers
- Add and manage products
- Track product inventory
Additional addons
SSL certificate.
Keeps your customers credit card details secure
Anti-Spam Configuration.
Preventing spammers from loading your store comments with their links.
PayFast Gateway.
Allows customers to pay with a credit card, debit card and via eft
Speeds up your store and reduces data requirements for customers to browse your store
Keeps store performing optimally
Yoast SEO.
Rank organically on google for free awareness and marketing
User Role Editor.
Access restrictions, giving the right employees the right access