A premium education network designed to upskill adults.
We are an online training institute
We teach driven individuals how to setup their own store online.
The world is moving into digital,
We help you to transition easily.
We make digital simple.
We know it looks like a big mountain,
We cut out all the fluff, and break skills down into small steps.
Practical hands on experience.
Our Courses are built around WordPress.
It’s the most popular,
It’s beginner friendly,
And keeps your costs down.
Become a Specialist in
“Ecommerce Store Design and Management”
1. We hold your hand and help you get started.
2. Learn to build a clean and smart “Online store”.
3. Watch your confidence grow with each course.
Certificates in Digital Retail
1. Certificate in Store Management
2. Certificate in Product Management
3. Certificate in Store Design
Your store is your portfolio.
1. Show off what you can do.
2. Use your store to demonstrate your skills,
3. Use your store to get paying work.
Individual mentoring experience
Self paced,
Remote learning,
1 on 1 support.
Online Course, work from home
Build your store from anywhere in the world.
All courses are completed on your laptop.
Find a quiet place and find your rhythm.
Flexible hours
Choose your own hours,
Plan work around your day.

Your first 3 certificates are your fundamentals.
Skills learnt will unlock new opportunities.
Come learn the basics and grow your confidence
The Certificate in Store Management is earned by completing the first set of 15 short courses. These courses will guide you on a tour of your store’s back office and show you around. On attaining this certificate, you will know your way around and how your store works.
Outcomes (Skills learnt)
- How to access your stores back office.
- View and update user details
- Password
- Email address and contact info
- Delivery address
- Update store details
- Store address
- Currency details
- Stock management
- Delivery options
- Payment options
- Email info
- Build and use coupons
- Make a purchase and test your store
- View and edit orders
- Add coupons and delivery tracking
- Update order status
- Chat to Customers
- Send automated system emails
- Access your business email
- Add your business email to your phone

Master your skills and learn new ones.
The Certificate in Product Management is earned by completing the second set of 15 short courses. We will show you how to build different kinds of products. On attaining this certificate, you will know how to build products and categorise them to make it easy for customers to find. You will know how to manage online stores for clients.
Outcomes (Skills learnt)
- Setup your mobile app
- Manage products
- Manage orders
- Track inventory
- Chat to customers
- View sales and visitor reports
- Add more products
- Variable and grouped products
- Product attributes
- Importance of product descriptions
- Product Visibility
- Categorise products
- Build product categories
- Build product tags
- Add categories and tags to products
- Understand reports
- Visitor reports
- Sales reports
- Read through and update stores T’s and C’s.

Expand and build new ecommerce stores.
The Certificate in Store Design is earned by completing the third set of 15 short courses. We will show you how to design an ecommerce store to attract site visitors. On attaining this certificate, you will know how to showcase your products and design an online store that invites customers to view your products.
Outcomes (Skills learnt)
- Design “shop” page
- Replace welcome msg
- Add a picture slider to shop top
- Add category pics to shop bot
- Design “cart” and “Checkout” pages
- Add hot sellers to cart page
- Add a coupon discount to checkout page
- Add new pages
- Home page
- Blog page
- Contact us blog
- Design UX
- Change theme colours
- Design header
- Design footer
- Design Products
- Design pages
- Design Blogs
- Sign the footer

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
We make it very easy to get started.
A DR Club membership fee is R500 per month
3 certificates to complete,
Each certificate is R5000 once off
Must have own or access to
- Pc or laptop
- Apple or android mobile phone
- Internet connection
All training materials provided
All required software provided
No prior experience or qualifications required,
However, you must know how to use
- Gmail
Must be 16 or over
Over 40’s
- You may find the experience challenging
- We’ll hold your hand
- One step at a time
Your pc / laptop is needed
- when building,
- Or when adding to your store
Use your mobile app to
- Manage products
- Manage orders
- Track inventory
- Chat to customers
- View sales and visitor reports
Online only,
All courses are completed on your laptop,
Build your store from anywhere in the world.
Find a quiet place and find your rhythm.
Each certificate is divided into 15 easy courses
Course start simple and build on skills learnt
Each certificate takes 5 to 20 hours to complete
All 3 certificates will take between 15 and 60 hours to complete
Certificates are not recognised
This is a hands on practical course,
use your store to demonstrate your skills
Work for a digital marketing agency,
Or open your own agency
1 on 1 personal assistance
Private WhatsApp group
- for Like minded professionals
- Network and grow